This is the mannequin challenge to end all mannequin challenges (let’s hope so)

I sent flowers but you said you didn’t receive ’em… but you said you didn’t need ’em…
By this point, when we hear those lyrics we immediately expect to see a bunch of people frozen in an effort to create the best mannequin challenge the internet has seen. We’ve seen a lot of great mannequin challenges, so let’s reminisce on some of our favorites. There was the mannequin challenge that Kristen Wiig and the Saturday Night Live cast nailed, and the mannequin challenge featuring the cast of Hairspray Live. When it comes to other celebrities nailing the challenge, Blac Chyna’s delivery room mannequin challenge with Kris Jenner and Rob Kardashian is pretty high on our list of faves as well.
Let us not forget the adorable toddlers who attempted the mannequin challenge and failed miserably and the dogs who got in on the internet craze as well. So essentially there is a mannequin challenge video for everyone — A-listers, B-listers, the musically inclined, average bros, the preschoolers, and even our four-legged friends. But who would have thought that out of all the awesome videos that have circulated during this viral challenge that astronauts would be the ones to make the mannequin challenge video that is undeniably the best?
But here in this next mannequin challenge, you won’t believe your eyes. These astronauts winning the mannequin challenge will have you mesmerized as they strike a pose in zero gravity. Who would have known that the International Space Station was so… dare we say, LIT?
We have a lot of questions as to how they managed such an impressive feat, but we’re sure it’s some fancy astronaut stuff that would go over our heads and distract from the awesomeness that is this video. One thing we know is that microgravity ain’t got nothing on these guys.
We think it’s official; the astronauts win the mannequin challenge. Game. Set. Match. But we can all agree that 2017 doesn’t need another attempt at this internet challenge.