This huge dog with resting b*tch face is chilling out, driving a van, and we are obsessed
If we had to choose one creature to become the official face of the afternoon slump, this dog chilling in her human’s van would be our top selection. Per The Daily Dot, a French mastiff named Roxy is the unofficial queen of Delivery and Chill, thanks to hilarious photos that show her enjoying some serious animal R&R while her owner makes deliveries as a courier in London.
In each of her photos, Roxy’s laid-back facial expression lies somewhere between, “Damn, I ate too much,” and “Oof, I really need a nap.” The perfectly perched pooch is on Instagram and Twitter, but you should probably hold off on hitting that follow button until after you’ve had a nap.
How a dog manages to slay in her sleep is beyond us, but clearly Roxy is werking this pose.
She even looks too sleepy to eat:
Because chillin’ all day is a must:
Seriously, nothing will kill this dog’s vibe:
The funniest encounter I had this summer…
— Jon Foster (@fosterjr) September 26, 2016
Not even being photographed by a celeb:
Oh, and her side-eye game is mean, too:
So, we love scrolling through all these pics of Roxy, but does anyone else feel a yawn coming on?