This high school student wants you to know her shoulders shouldn’t be a distraction

School’s out for summer, but one high school senior from New Jersey has left behind something that’ll keep her fellow students talking. While many students use their senior quotes for inside jokes and pop culture references, Tori DiPaolo’s yearbook quote was about dress codes. Whether or not you’re a student now or were a student way back in the day, there’s a chance that your school had a strange dress code that limited clothing options for female students.

While we think that the concept of dress codes isn’t terrible, often they cross a line — or come off as a little sexist. For DiPaolo, who attended West Milford High School, receiving violations regarding the dress code was nothing new.

The quote read, “I’m sorry, did my shoulders distract you from reading this quote?”

According to Yahoo! Style, the dress code states that “halters, half-shirts, shorts, or sweaters and blouses that expose breasts or stomachs” are prohibited, and “no article of clothing is permitted that exhibits rips, tears, or holes that causes the clothing to become revealing or suggestive.”

"I became a bit infamous around school for fighting the administration about dress code, so I figured I’d use my senior quote as one final jab," DiPaolo told Yahoo! Style. "I just found it funny that the outfits for senior portraits technically violated the dress code by exposing our shoulders, so I saw my opportunity and ran with it."

DiPaolo also mentioned that a lot of the violations she received were simply things that are tough to tame — like an exposed bra strap.

In another interview with Teen Vogue, DiPaolo noted that the only people who received violations at school were girls, so she definitely felt a bit targeted. And based on the reception she’s gotten from the quote, which has gone viral, she’s definitely not alone.

"The general reasoning behind dress codes is that exposing too much is 'distracting,' but in reality, everyone knows shoulders don't distract anyone," she told Teen Vogue.

Who knows? Maybe this quote will make the school re-evaluate their dress code. It should.