This group of British boys wore skirts to fight their school’s “no shorts” rule

When it’s extremely hot out, pants become a bit dreadful. That’s why a group of boys from ISCA Academy in Exeter decided to protest when their dress code wouldn’t allow shorts. How did they protest? Well, they decided to wear skirts instead. And they looked darn good in the process.

The idea originated from a head teacher, who — according to a parent of one of the students — meant it as a joke.

"Children tend to take you literally, and so five boys turned up in skirts today – and because she told them it was ok there was nothing she could do as long as they are school skirts," she said.

The protest makes a lot of sense. While dress codes can be important, it’s truly more important to be comfortable at school. As the news spread, even past alumni spoke out about how proud they were.

Many parents are applauding the boys for having a voice.

"The boys see the women teachers in sandals and nice cool skirts and tops while they are wearing long trousers and shoes and the older boys have to wear blazers. They just think it's unfair that they can't wear shorts in this heat," an Exeter mom said to Devon Live.

After their story went viral, a statement went out that said shorts will be introduced as part of the uniform — eventually.

"As summers are becoming hotter, shorts will be introduced as part of our school uniform next year having first consulted with students and parents," it said. "We feel that introducing a change in uniform part way through this year would put undue pressure on some of our families."

This was an innovative (and stylish) way to get the point across that sometimes you’ve got to do whatever it takes to battle the summer heat.

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