This girl’s viral tweet reunited her with her childhood crush

While most of us are glad social media didn’t exist during our awkward pre-teen years, some of us are happy to share the hilarious throwback photos we kept from those times. But this story may take the throwback Thursday cake, and it all went down on a Monday.

One girl’s hair tweet went viral, inadvertently reuniting her with her childhood crush.

Earlier this week, 17-year-old Hanna De Castro shared a hysterical photo of her mom’s botched half-up hairstyle, and it went viral on Twitter immediately. But what she wasn’t expecting was to be reunited with her childhood crush, and we have all the feels.

Hanna’s mom had no idea how to do a half-up ponytail for her school picture day, and the result was this:

While we think Hanna still looked totally adorable, her mom’s…er…creative take on the popular half-up hairstyle wasn’t quite what most of us would think of as “half-up.” Hanna’s tweet immediately went viral, and somehow reunited her with her preschool crush, David Gonzales.

David slid into Hanna’s mentions to ask if they went to the same preschool (Hanna confirmed they did!) and someone else asked if the two were going to get married now. Turns out, Hanna had a crush on David, and she told that the two are “actually catching up on life right now,” thanks to Twitter.

The craziest part is that Hanna had only just made her Twitter account days before, and only started tweeting that very day. Now it seems that the two childhood pals have reconnected, with David sharing his own photo…of him and Hanna (aww!).

It’s too early to tell if this is true love in the making, but one Twitter user had the most hilarious (and genius!) idea for Hanna if she ever becomes David’s bride.

And as for Hanna’s newfound fame? Her mom seemingly doesn’t care all that much, as she tweeted:

This is the best and funniest story of the week, and it all started with a simple tweet.