This “Gilmore Girls” “Twilight” squad is amazing and we want to know what it means?!

We’ve all been VERY patiently awaiting the Netflix sequel to Gilmore Girls that we now know will premiere on Netflix November 25th. And we are trying to hold it together until then. But we’ve been trying to find out any tidbits that we can, and today, Mackenzie Foy, who played Bella and Edward’s daughter in the Twilight Saga, posted a pic that has us asking so many questions.

Mackenzie is hanging out with Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel, and we must know why!

We’re pretty sure that this pic doesn’t necessarily mean that Mackenzie is making an appearance in Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, but wouldn’t it be an amazing marriage of two of our favorite things? Our favorite mother-daughter fast-talking duo have reunited for a four-part Netflix series, and we are dying for more details.

Mackenzie stars in Netflix’s upcoming The Little Prince, and it was just announced today that she’s going to be starring as Clara in Disney’s upcoming film adaptation of The Nutcracker.

Meanwhile, Gilmore Girls have just released a teaser for the most recent season.

This mystery may remain an unsolved one, but regardless, we love seeing all these awesome ladies getting together. And it’s always good to know that Mackenzie is a fellow Gilmore Girls fangirl. We are so with you!

If the next Insta that surfaces has Lorelei and Rory with Amy Schumer, we will for sure lose it!

Make it happen, universe!

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