This epic necklace tattoo just inspired our style goals in a BIG way
Tattoos of ALL types have our hearts. But we’ll admit that sometimes we worry that we’re running out of creative spots to get new tattoos. Like, seriously! It’s hard to balance our love of body art and our desire to only get sneaky, tiny hidden tattoos. Luckily, we have ~the magic of Instagram~ to help keep us inspired with new tattoo ideas we never would’ve come up with on our own. And this totally beautiful neck tattoo (or should we call it necklace tattoo?!) just totally blew our minds.
A tattoo and an accessory in one? We’ll take it.
Like, come on! Look at this beautiful, beautiful blackwork necklace tattoo.
And it looks good from every angle.
This epic tattoo is such an incredible work of art. We’re so impressed!
Literally all of the heart eyes.
We *need* this beauty so bad!!
Created by tattoo artist Özge Canoğlu, this seriously is one of the most epic tattoos we’ve *ever* seen, and we’ve seen a lot of unique tattoos. Ugh, now we’ll always feel like something is missing. Time to make this happen!