This dad made an at-home roller coaster for his daughter when Disney was just too expensive
It might be the most magical place on earth, but sometimes big Disney vacations aren’t too budget-friendly. That’s why we’re so in love with this video of a dad creating an at-home roller coaster for his young daughter. He knew how to bring the thrills for literally no cost at all.
The YouTuber known as KentuckyFriedIdiot placed his tiny daughter in a tub, and with the use of roller coaster footage, recreated what it’d be like to be on an actual coaster ride. And from the looks of it, his daughter had an absolute blast. This is an innovative way to be the best dad ever.
Watch and see the cuteness for yourself.
Fans of the channel were in agreeance that KentuckyFriedIdiot should start up a GoFundMe to help fund an actual Disney World vacation for his young family. But really, once you’ve been able to experience a coaster while safely in the arms of a supportive dad, Disney would probably pale in comparison.
Of course, a lot of viewers are already calling him “dad of the year.”
KentuckyFriedIdiot started his YouTube account back in 2010, and began uploading videos five years ago — most of which focus around his family. While many of them have gotten high view counts, his DIY roller coaster is proving to be one of his most popular. And, we can see why — he just gave up one of his prime parenting tips.
It’s a shame that we adults are probably too big for these in-home thrills. We’re totally missing out.