This Childish Gambino x “Stranger Things” mashup is our Friday soundtrack

We have a mashup that you need to add to your Friday playlist ASAP. Your friends will be starry eyed and astonished upon first listen. A SoundCloud user under the name kmlkmljkl, posted a Childish Gambino (aka Donald Glover, star of Atlanta on FX) and Stranger Things mashup that is actually mind-blowing. The SoundCloud user took Gambino’s “Bonfire” and set the rapper’s lyrics to the Stranger Things opening titles theme.

Before we dive in, we highly recommend you refresh your Gambino “Bonfire” senses before feasting your ears upon the mashup. “Bonfire” was released in 2011, so we understand if you haven’t heard it in a while (lyrics are NSFW):

And if you haven’t heard the main theme to Stranger Things yet created by Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein, what the heck is going on with you? Watch the entire show on Netflix right now.

Come back when you can answer the question: What is Eleven’s favorite food?


Answer the question! Or else!

Ok, ready for this mashup? Guys, it’s nuts. Take a listen:

This video was not uploaded onto YouTube by kmlkmljkl himself, but the video uploader is kindly directing traffic over to the kmlkmljkl’s SoundCloud page, where the producer has several other mashup soundtracks that are definitely worth checking out.

Because of the huge success Stranger Things has gained since it’s summer debut, the show has become the root of many different parodies and theme mashups. But this revival of a classic Gambino song has people taking notice.

The fact that kmlkmljkl kept the crossover clean and reminiscent of the originals, is most likely why people love it so much. Listeners are able to recognize the melodies and beats they originally fell in love with.


Kudos to Gambino for his wildly fluid lyricism. Kudos to Dixon and Stein for creating a piece of pop culture musical magic. And major kudos to kmlkmljkl, for seamlessly pairing these two tracks together. You’re killing the mashup game.

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