This body-positive Instagrammer wrote a vulnerable and moving ode to her body

While we wish it weren’t true, being body positive isn’t always easy. Often, it’s so much easier to begin your journey of body positivity by loving other people’s bodies, but learning to really love and respect your own body can be rough. So we were extremely moved when self-proclaimed body-positive ED warrior Kelly U, aka @kellyufit, opened up about her own struggles with body positivity. The body positive Instagrammer wrote an extremely moving ode to her body as it is, and we’re honestly cheering her on.
When you consider that, according to the National Eating Disorders Association, 20 million women and 10 million men in the United States, have an eating disorder at some point in during their lives, it’s *so* important and valuable when people like Kelly are open and unashamed about their struggles. But we know it isn’t easy to deal with an eating disorder, let alone to be this public with one.
In her post, Kelly explained,
"My skin isn't perfectly smooth. I don't have a flat stomach. My butt doesn't stand up by itself. I've got lines, fat, skin--OH A NORMAL HUMAN BODY! 👏🏼My natural body in its natural state deserves recognition👏🏼 It deserves validation. It so deserves to be loved and cherished just as much as my body when it's being manipulated, flexed or angled to look "better." I refuse to think I look better in certain lighting, sucking in, flexing, any of that. I truly love my body just as much when it's like this. Because this is my BODY. How else can I explain it to myself? I have to love it. And it's my damn privilege to do so."
She continued, saying,
"Your body is so beautiful, resting or flexed. Muscular or not. Big or small. You deserve to be comfortable in your own skin. Society and social media is always going to try and skew your perceptions and point of view in the wrong direction. It's our duty to continuously remind ourselves that we are beautiful, wonderful and worthy. Because we really are. I will continue to encourage you to preach to yourself, because I preach to my damn self every single day. Self love isn't easy, it takes effort. But it's work that pays off, and it becomes more effortless every single day. I love you, my warriors ❤ And your body is B-E-A-UUUUUTIFUL."
We have so much love and respect for this brave body positive Instagrammer, and we’re sending her all the best vibes!