Here’s What You Should Manifest in 2021, According to Your Zodiac Sign

An astrologer explains what goals and visions you should keep in mind for the new year.

The New Year is finally here, and it’s time to welcome in 2021! With that, you’ll have things to manifest, like new visions and goals, all of which are attainable by setting the right intention. By knowing what you should bring in based on your zodiac sign, you can live your best life and manifest greatness in 2021.

Here’s what you should manifest based on your zodiac sign. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.


You were a born leader, but this year, it’s best for you to take the backseat when it comes to professional endeavors and your friends. You will still attain all the fame and acclaim you desire if you manifest your goals to achieve success for all, not just for yourself.


We all know that you’re not one for change, which means that it’s time for you to bring in abundance. The way to do this is to cleanse your home and throw out all the things that you no longer need or want. Then, you’ll bring in more than before.


Time to boss up! In order to manifest and live the best life possible, you’ll have to let go of the dead weight that you’ve been holding onto for years. At first it will be scary, but you’ll have to release relationships and situations that aren’t working for you to be happy.


You wear your heart on your sleeve, which is a sentiment that you’re admired for. Instead of using up your energy for others during these times of need, be a little more selfish. Only give them half of your time, and use the rest in self-care activities for yourself.


Stop putting your needs first! Put your money where your heart is, Leo. Show off your famous generous sentiments and humble yourself in 2021. Volunteer at a charity and invest your time in a humanitarian project to ensure that you manifest the best for the whole world—which includes you.


Learning to live freely without hesitations and restrictions is key in 2021. This means that you’ll have to learn to love yourself more (which is always a daunting process). Give yourself a break now and again. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, and be sure to embrace your imperfections.


As a true romantic at heart, your manifestation goals for 2021 wouldn’t be complete without wanting to bring more love into your life. Light a pink candle every Friday on Venus’s day (she’s the goddess of love) to ensure you are manifesting the kind of love that you desire.


Boosting your bank account will take some effort, but you can achieve your goals. Tie a few pennies to the roots of a plant and watch it grow throughout the year. Give your plant extra loving by watering it and talking and singing to it in an effort to evolve your finances.


Real talk: You love to have the last word. TBH, you don’t always need to win an argument and receive the grand-slam trophy in a text war. Try listening before reacting for a change, and allow others to state their side of the story to ensure it’s properly resolved.


As the one who always does your due diligence when it comes to work, you are now realizing that you don’t need to be the CEO at the office if you aren’t fulfilled at home or within your personal relationships. That’s why creating a better work-life balance is key in 2021.


You have an artistic eye, and it’s important to use your talents this year. Bring more creativity into your life by taking leaps forward in your artistry. This will require you to take risks, which you are ready to do. Once you believe in your amazing gifts, you’ll 100% succeed.


This year, you should work on being more confrontational. To be honest, you often swim away from direct conversations with others, which has created more ambiguous feelings, resentments, and confusion than ever before. Manifesting your voice will enable you to speak your mind and express your feelings freely to friends.

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