12 things from Target no human can stop themselves from buying

It’s impossible to walk into Target and not buy all the things. It doesn’t even matter what the things are. If it’s a thing, you’re buying it. Because Target is the devil disguised as Christmas morning.
Just kidding. Target is the greatest place on Earth, but seriously, it’s also super dangerous (for our wallets, that is)
Even if you make a list, when you shop at Target, there’s no way you’re leaving without at least five eighteen things you absolutely don’t need. But that’s no secret. You know what you’re getting yourself into when we those automatic doors open and you step inside.
To prove Target is an actual drug (a safe, legal drug), here’s a list of unnecessary things offered at Target that no human can resist.
1. All those things you definitely don’t NEED (but want, for some reason) from the dollar section.
First thing’s first. The dollar section is usually the first thing you see when you walk into Target — and it’s always full of things you don’t need. AKA, crap. But since crap is so fun and exciting (for a few minutes, at least), you buy it. And when it’s 50% off? You buy all of it.
2. Graphic t-shirts
Target has really stepped up its game in the graphic t-shirt department. Whether or not you’ll actually wear it, when you see a soft t-shirt with a picture or logo that really speaks to you, it’s impossible not to get it. If anything, you’ll sleep in it.
3. Some sort of purse that almost looks ~*~designer~*~, or at least slightly ruffed up like the ones from Madewell
It can be a fake leather handbag, a travel bag or a tote — as long as it’s super cute, you can find a reason to buy it. The reason usually being because you just like it.
4. Baby stuff
Even if you don’t have a baby, it’s hard to resist the baby section. If you lack will power and enter baby land, you’ll likely be leaving with some sort of adorable garment (like a hooded elephant towel) and maybe even the desire to procreate. Also, it just SMELLS good in the baby section. Like Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo and innocence.
5. Lip balm
Whether it’s Lip Smackers, Chapstick, Burt’s Bees, Nivea or Softlips, your lips will become as dry as the Sahara Desert the second you entire the lip care aisle. Never fails.
6. Decorative pillows, even though you have approximately twenty-five on your bed and couch already.
The home decor section at Target is legit (and so cute and chic, STOP IT ALREADY, TARGET). So of course you can’t possibly pay a visit to your favorite store and not check out the new items. Specifically, the decorative pillows that will instantly spice up your living room.
7. Holiday everything, because Target is now a holiday wonderland and don’t you forget it
Christmas trees, lights, ornaments, menorahs, stockings, dinner wear, linens, gift wrap, inflatables, doormats, sculptures, etc. forever. Target has literally every kind of holiday decoration you could ever want.
8. Pretty hand soap that’s basically a piece of decor it’s so modernistic and chic
Plus, you’re always running out of hand soap, so you might as well stock up every time you go to Target. Or at least that’s what you tell yourself.
9. All those snacks
Snacks you love, snacks you’ve never tried — it doesn’t matter. You’ll buy all of them, because SNACKS.
10. Nail polish
It’s not your fault. It’s Target’s fault for carrying the best colors and the best brands.
11. Socks
Christmas socks, Hanukkah socks, Halloween socks, Valentine’s Day socks, athletic socks, boots socks, etc. etc.. There’s no shortage of socks at Target.
12. Candles, because your home is a garbage can without at least five candles in it
It’s rare to make the trip to Target to buy candles, but it’s even rarer to leave Target without a candle. Candles equal happiness. And let’s be real, Target equals happiness.