Have you ever wanted to live in the world of Game of Thrones (you know, minus a gruesome death and other crazy things), even if just for a few days? Well, lucky for you many of our favorite lands in the Seven Kingdoms exist in real life. But you don’t need to book a ticket out of town to enjoy them, you can admire them from the safety of your home right now.
Winterfell on the show
Winterfell IRL (Strangford Castle in Northern Ireland)
King’s Landing docks on the show
King’s Landing docks IRL (Dubrovnik, Croatia)
King’s Landing walls on the show
King’s Landing walls IRL (Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Jon and Ygritte’s cave on the show
Jon and Ygritte’s cave IRL (Grjótagjá, Iceland)
The Iron Islands on the show
The Iron Islands IRL (Dunluce Castle, Ireland)
Dorne on the show
Dorne IRL (The Alcázar of Seville, Spain)
Braavos on the show
Braavos IRL (Kaštel Gomilica, Croatia)
Yunkai on the show
Yunkai IRL (Aït Benhaddou, Morocco)
Meereen on the show
Meereen IRL (Klis Fortress, Croatia)