These adorable mini foods are blowing our minds (and making us so hungry)

We love food, and the only thing better than eating food is looking at totally adorable mini food. We don’t know why we love bizarrely teensy things, but we do! And this master tiny food artist is giving us the biggest heart eyes for her amazing art. Blogger, Instagrammer, and YouTuber Mimine Mini has us totally fascinated by her miniature foods, and we can’t stop looking.

It’s literally *so* amazing to watch.

Like, yes, that is the TINEST BURGER WE’VE EVER SEEN?! We are so in awe of how little these dishes are.

Like, how cute are these sweets?!

Is this not the cutest food you’ve ever seen?

Don’t think it can get cuter or yummier? JUST WAIT. UGH. DYING.

Told you so.

And these?

While we don’t want all of our food to be this tiny (we’d be SO HUNGRY, you guys) we are 100% in love with this artist, and will actually be getting some major recipe inspo from these teensy dishes.