There’s a REAL enchanted rose that can actually last for three years
While we’re always looking for ways to live like some of our favorite Disney characters, there were some things we’d resigned ourselves to never have, like animals to help us clean our house or being able to fly around on a magic carpet (we’re still keeping our fingers crossed on that one, tbh). While some of our Disney goals are unlikely, we’ve just discovered that one of them, the most ~enchanting~ Beauty and the Beast symbol is something you can get IRL.
It turns out that even those of us who’ve not been cursed by an enchantress can get our hands on an enchanted rose, amazing right?
U.K. based floral company Forever Rose specializes in making floral arrangements that are supposed to last without water and sunlight for up to three years. As someone who’s unable to keep a flower alive for more than a few days, we’re definitely excited about this.
Forever Rose used to exclusively offer their arrangements to the royal family but now sell their arrangements to anyone but are pretty pricy, selling a single rose for $200 and arrangements for a few thousand dollars.
The various flower arrangements come in over thirty colors and are encased in a glass dome — just like in Beauty and the Beast. Seriously, this company is straight out of Disney dreams.
While definitely a little pricy, we can’t help but swoon over the absolute gorgeousness of the flower arrangements. Every flower looks so perfect and we can’t help but wonder if, when the flowers ~finally~ start to wilt, the petals will fall, à la Beauty and the Beast.
At any rate, we hope to get our hands on at least one of these stunning flowers and pretend we’re in a Disney film. A girl can dream, right?