This school gave their therapy doggo a yearbook pic, and prepare to melt

Therapy dogs provide a critical service to so many humans, giving comfort to those in need of emotional support. It’s an important job, which is why we’re happy to see that many schools are finally recognizing their importance. And Twitter exploded — in the best way — after a student from Illinois who goes by “Tinker Elle” shared that her school officially recognized their therapy dog, Miss Peanut, in their yearbook. Miss Peanut is very photogenic.

Therapy dogs are used in some schools to help students de-stress (which makes sense, because it’s been proven that time with pets can help calm our nerves and help us refocus). With anxiety and other mental health issues at an all-time high among teens, therapy animals are an amazing way to make a difference. And based on her pic alone,  it looks like Miss Peanut takes her job extremely seriously.

More than 26,000 people retweeted the adorable yearbook photo in less than a day.


Even better, Miss Peanut inspired others to share photos of their own school therapy dogs, many of whom also had space reserved for them in their school’s yearbook.

We don’t know what we love more — that so many schools are beginning to utilize these wonderful therapy dogs to help their students cope with stress and anxiety, or that so many schools are recognizing the important work these doggos do in their yearbooks. Let’s call it even.

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