Here comes the scariest new horror movie of the year, according to everyone

Last week, we thought we had seen the scariest trailer ever. But now there’s a new contender for best / freakiest horror movie of the year, according to pretty much every critic ever. If you’re not into scary movies, I suggest you close this window right now and run far, far away, because this one’s a doozy.

Set in 1630 New England, The Witch is about a devout Puritanical Christian family homesteading on the edge of a (very, very creepy) forest. The family has five children. . . that is, until their newborn son mysteriously vanishes, their crops die, and more and more creepy things begin happening to them involving blood and possession and AGGHHHH.

Starring Ralph Ineson, Kate Dickey, and Anya Taylor-Joy, The Witch totally wowed audiences at the Sundance Film Festival and earned director Robert Eggers the Best Director prize. The trailer is simple, without any insane special effects, which is perhaps what is even more frightening. It’s dark, raises the hairs on the back of our necks, and makes us look at all farm animals, and trees in general, very warily. But even though we were watching it through the cracks of our fingers, we’ve gotta say that the cinematography is totally gorgeous.

Oh yeah, and pretty much everyone is crazy about this upcoming chiller. David Ehrlich from Time Out New York called it “one of the most genuinely unnerving horror films in recent memory,” while HitFix’s Drew McWeeny said that the film makes audiences feel like “we’re watching something we should not be seeing.” So, naturally, we TOTALLY want to see the entire thing and get the bajeezus scared out of us.

The Witch will be playing at the Toronto International Film Festival next month, and the film will be officially released next year. In the meantime, check out the trailer below — but grab a friend. This isn’t one you wanna watch alone.


Is this the scariest trailer ever made?