The biggest moment in ‘The Walking Dead’ history is coming, so prepare yourself

It’s hard not to wonder where The Walking Dead is going to take us next. In all likelihood it’s going to be back on the road to face another new and terrible place with another villain that is even worse than the last. Mark my words there will be suffering. Lots and lots of suffering.

If Sunday’s winter finale was any indication, we are going to lose folks (duh!), and another big, mean baddie is on the horizon’s edge. If you take Robert Kirkman’s word for it, (and you totally should since he’s the author of the comic series and creator of the television series), there’s a huge threat coming that has been shaping the comics for years.

The soon-to-be-introduced character Negan is said villain, but in an interview with The New York Times Kirkman was tight-lipped about exactly how his presence is going to shape the second half of season six.

Kirkman did say, however, “This character Negan, . . .he’s a huge part of the comic book and he’s going to be introduced into the show very soon. I won’t say when. That’s going to change things in a really radical and terrifying way, so we’ve got that to look forward to.”

Theories suggest Negan is going to take the tone of The Walking Dead to an even more apocalyptic place, if that’s even possible, and will really test the limits of the group. The new, post-Alexandria is looking to be a much scarier place, and will be even harder for the community to survive.

The Hollywood Reporter interviewed showrunner, Scott M. Gimple, who had this to say about what we can expect from the season’s second half: “I believe this first half of season was structurally just focusing on certain characters and their internal journey a lot of the time. The externals really take over in the second half of the season. It takes a very different vibe and for this part of the story, the plot takes over a little harder — which is different thing than what I’ve done on the show before.”

But season six isn’t all doom and gloom. Gimple said we can expect, “one of the weirdest episodes we’ve ever done because it’s one of the amazingly enough more light-hearted episodes, which was terrifying on my side.”

I don’t know about the rest of you TWD fans, but I’m DYING for a little emotional relief. The fan-struggle has been real this season, and I’m happy to see a little whimsy, even if it’s only for one episode.

The second half of season six airs in February so we’ll just have to conspire and theorize on our own until then.

Related reading: 

This ‘Walking Dead’ theory actually addresses a major plot hole

[Image via AMC]