The Victoria’s Secret models’ Mannequin Challenge will make you tired just watching

Who doesn’t love a good viral video challenge to help unify the world? While some can do actual good deed — remember the summer of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?  But all challenges don’t have to be serious, some can be  just plain fun, like our current internet trend: the Mannequin Challenge. And nothing is more hardcore than the Victoria’s Secret models’ Mannequin Challenge. I mean, it looks exhausting.

Just when you thought to yourself, “Phew! Finally a challenge I can excel at by not moving a muscle,” the Victoria’s Secret models prove that ‘mannequining’ doesn’t necessarily mean lying dreamily on the couch. According to Teen Vogue, models Thayna Santos, Cindy Mello, Maria Borges and Veridiana Ferreira did the Mannequin Challenge mid-rep in the gym, bless their abs.

The Victoria’s Secret Instagram posted the impressive video, subsequently motivating us all to get our butts to the gym.

One thing is for sure, those women are strong as hell! WORK, ANGELS.

The ladies are likely stepping up their gym game in preparation for the annual fashion show set to take place on November 30. We love that the VS Instagram gives us a behind-the-scenes look at how much work these ladies are putting into their fitness, even if it’s through a silly internet trend. After Victoria’s Secret released an unretouched ad with its $3 million Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Bright Night ~Fantasy Bra~, we’re all hoping that the brand is moving towards more inclusive and honest portrayals of women.

They seem to be taking steps in the right direction. Yes, those kinds of steps:

Bring on the angels!