The Ultimate Work Experience: 33 Jobs In 33 Countries

What’s the craziest job you’ve ever had? The oddest job I’ve ever worked was at a flower shop. To sum it up, flowers smell – both good and bad. Chances are you’ve also had a few different jobs through high school, college and your professional career. And you’ve probably learned different lessons from each one. Now, imagine having 33 jobs. That’s a lot of lessons.

Meet Jan Lachner, professional worker. No, really: he’s on a mission to work 33 jobs in 33 countries. Talk about keeping your resume to one page. I imagine his business card just says “Workaholic”, or “Willing to Travel” or “Sure, Why Not?”, because it seems like there isn’t a job Lachner won’t tackle.

He’s a 25-year-old engineer, but for the past 18 months, he’s been so much more. Lachner is currently on job 31 of 33, working as a shark tank cleaner in Great Yarmouth in Norfolk. Past jobs include beer brewer in the Czech Republic, archaeologist in Greece and flamenco teacher in Spain. SURE, BUT CAN HE TANGO? Just kidding, I’m just jealous. These gigs are great, but they certainly aren’t permanent; he’s only working at the Sea Life Centre in Great Yarmouth for a week.

Why so many jobs? Curiosity? Boredom? No, it’s actually quite simple: Lachner wants to experience more of the world. You’ve probably figured it out by now, but it’s not about the jobs. Yes, the jobs all sound exciting, but his experiment is about the experiences. “Before this project, I was struck by the number of people who have spent their lives with one company. I wanted to know what else is out there before returning to the aeronautical industry,” he said. Oh. Well, when you put it like that, yes… that makes a lot of sense. Shouldn’t we all be avoiding ruts and trying new things? It’s much less the quarter-life crisis than it sounds, and I think he’s on to something.

Lachner has spent £10,000 on his adventures. No matter what country you live in, that’s mucho dinero. These experiences come with a hefty price tag, but they’re priceless, not to mention the stamps on his passport. Imagine all the interesting people he’s met, charming places he’s stayed and delicious meals he’s enjoyed. It’s easily the biggest thing I’ve been jealous of all week. Have I mentioned that yet?

Whether you can afford to soul search on Lachner’s level or not, the message of his adventures is clear: try something new. Get out of your comfort zone. Do something that scares yourself. Lachner’s is a cool experiment that we could all benefit from, even on a smaller level.

In 50 years, will you look back on your life and say “Man, I really wish I’d gone running with the bulls” or done that cool thing you were too afraid to do? Because Lachner probably won’t. You may not be able to afford being a DJ in Belgium like he did, but it can’t hurt to adopt his mentality every once and a while. My only hope is he doesn’t get bored again in three years. But if he can afford another great adventure, who am I to stop him?

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