The trailer for Khloe Kardashian’s new show “Revenge Body” has us intrigued

You would think that a Kardashian wouldn’t have the time to take on yet another project, right? Actually, Khloe Kardashian has a show debuting called Revenge Body, and from the looks of it, she jumped into this one right after the unfortunate cancellation of Kocktails with Khloé.
Now, Revenge Body isn’t like most television shows. In fact, the eight-episode series might puzzle you a bit. While the message is good (in a “let’s show ’em what we’re made of” kind of way) it’s definitely being marketed as a show about changing yourself for someone else, possibly out of spite.
We’re hoping that Khloe includes a lot of self-love in there, and proves that confidence is the most attractive quality, but from the trailer, we can’t totally be sure.
Khloe is no stranger to the “revenge body” concept. When the Kardashian name started truly getting big, Khloe was often written about as being just slightly heavier than her sisters — which, we didn’t find to be very cool.
In the trailer above, she mentioned that she used to turn to eating for comfort. But after she discovered workouts, she started feeling a lot better about herself.
Now, she’s hoping to change the lives of others, because if she could bounce back and have a “revenge body,” surely anyone can.
“It’s not about a weight number, it’s about how you feel,” Khloe says in the trailer.
In general, it looks like a Kardashian spin on The Biggest Loser, a show that’s also had a fair amount of controversial press recently. Khloe’s show also seems to have contestants learn how to dress for confidence, which is always nice to see.
However, at the same time, it’d be best to see these contestants make life changes for themselves, first and foremost.
"You're going to have this revenge on this life that you once had," she tells a contestant. "Let's make our haters our biggest motivators."
While we love the fact that the show seemingly has positive, healthy results, we can’t help but think the name of it might be a bit off-putting. No matter what, we’ll definitely be tuning in this January to see if Khloe might be the next Jillian Michaels.