“The Rocky Horror Picture Show” live remake is TONIGHT people!

You’re probably well aware that we’ve been talking about Fox’s Rocky Horror Picture Show remake for a while now. We’ve geeked out about literally every single update involving the project, from Victoria Justice’s “Touch Me” teaser, to the announcement of Thursday night midnight steamings, to Laverne Cox’s rendition of “Sweet Transvestite.”

Oh yes, we’ve been pumped. Some might even say a little obsessedBut we’d just call it a healthy dose of good-old fashioned fan worship.

And good news people, because the wait is officially over (well, almost over). The live show premieres tonight on Fox at 8 p.m. EST!!!


And we’re definitely not the only ones freaking out about this.

Take a look at some of the talk from the Twitter-sphere:


We couldn’t agree more evalavdia2565, we could not agree more.

So run to your nearest drugstore, grab the mascara and pantyhose, throw some popcorn in the microwave, and hunker down for what’s sure to be a delightfully weird and totally entertaining night.

And remember, it will be LIVE, which always adds an extra dose of excitement and unpredictability to the mix.


Meet you on the couch at 8 p.m ET sharp!

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