The Plight Of Perfection: How Beyoncé Helped Me Through My Issues

I love Beyoncé. Anyone that knows me knows my dear affection for / borderline obsession with the Queen Virgo, and being a Virgo myself, it’s just another cherry on top of my “Love Beyoncé” sundae. For as much as I love the big haired, body suit-wearing showgirl and wife to Jay-Z and mommy to baby Blue, sometimes I find my reverence and admiration for her a little problematic.

Let me explain. My love of Beyoncé isn’t made in ass kisses and blind eyes. As much as she is an amazing performer and at the top of her game, my respect comes from the example she sets for hardworking young women hoping to have even a fraction of her success. However, with her shining representation therein lies the problem. Beyoncé is the prototype of perfection. From her flawless skin, svelte proportions, ideal career, loving family, equally successful husband (whew!) and seemingly easy birth of her first child, Beyoncé’s near perfect image surmounts to an impossible standard.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s not B’s fault that the public has held her up as this archetype of accomplishment. And she really doesn’t owe us anything. But would a fart in public or messy divorce be too much to ask?! And therein lies my second issue: the media and how we create these false idols to tear down. Classic case in point: Michael Jackson. Obvious similarities to B aside, MJ will always be one of the most hardworking, talented entertainers to live. And sadly he’ll also be one of the most tragic, flawed and misunderstood. Michael may have been very well perfect, but we would never know.

I know what you’re thinking: I should make up my mind. Do I want to idolize her and view her as an inspiration? Or do I want Beyoncé to fall victim to the trappings of celebrity and show us a more “human” side? I want neither. Beyoncé’s sidestepping the downfalls of celebrity gives me faith that, in our media obsessed world, there are still people who we can admire simply because of their talent. And the fact that she’s managed to avoid tabloid expose makes me respect her that much more.

But Beyoncé’s perfect world also gives me pause. She has become this measure of success for women and frankly, it’s a little unnerving and unrealistic. At 29, I have neither found my music mogul boyfriend, had an explosive career worthy of the record books or had a baby and not gained a bit of baby weight. Again, all of this is not Beyoncé’s fault. It simply hints to the demands of being a woman in today’s world and the unreal standards of society. If our mothers aren’t hounding us enough about having kids, now we have Beyoncé putting rings on things and making us feel all inferior.

Sidenote: Beyoncé, if you’re reading this: I love you girl. Go ‘head with your bad self!

Anywho, I know this seems all too much like the Frenemies episode of Sex and the City. Except, Beyoncé isn’t my friend. She’s a star who while she’s probably far from perfect, she gives me hope that I can one day have a near perfect, but not really perfect, life too.

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(Feature Image via Everett Collection /

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