Pixar just dropped a new trailer for ‘The Good Dinosaur’ and we can’t wait

I swear, Pixar, you’re really pushing the limit. I know you want to make me cry just like you have in every movie you’ve ever made, but did you need to make me tear up WITH A TRAILER? When The Good Dinosaur comes out at Thanksgiving this year, the LA basin better watch out, because my tears will water the fields and end the drought.

As you can see from this new teaser trailer, the movie is sure to be full of heartwarming moments, awe-inspiring moments, laugh-filled moments, basically just all the moments. The titular dinosaur has got an awfully expressive, non-evolutionarily-accurate face. We can already see the emotional impact his hero’s journey is going to have on us, almost like a meteor into our hearts. More information after the trailer!

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