The totally brill male feminist sketch from ‘Portlandia’ we can’t stop watching

This just in: Doug (of Portlandia) is now a feminist. A very self-congratulatory male feminist, to be exact.

Here’s what happened: One of Fred Armisen’s many Portlandia characters (Doug) has been doing some thinking, and realized he cares deeply about being validated for being a feminist. His first stop on this new tour of acceptance is a support group for male feminists, you know, ’cause they need some praise!

Doug and his new male feminist friends spend the session talking about what kind of feminists they are, and sharing how they now have removed “hubba hubba” from their vocabs, and ask random women on the streets if they’re doctors. You know, just so the ladies know the guys think it’s totally possible for a woman to be a doctor. It’s all perfect satire.

This meeting of the male feminist minds is also laced with some pretty stereotypical masculine trappings —they’re surrounded by empty beers and their gavel equivalent is an air horn. Classic.

Check out the clip below:

Easter egg: Fred Armisen’s t-shirt is emblazoned with the classic quote, “Well behaved women rarely make history.” We love all of it.

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