“The Crown” Season 2 gives Princess Margaret a brand new steamy, sexy love life

When Netflix’s gorgeous series, The Crown, returns to the streaming site for Season 2 in December, Queen Elizabeth (Claire Foy) is in a pretty difficult spot. Between an continuously scandal-ridden husband and facing criticism for over the monarchy’s inability to adapt alongside society, it certainly seems as though the 1960s won’t be the most enjoyable experience for the monarch.

But as Elizabeth faces her critics and schmoozes with the most iconic couple of the ’60s — President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jackie Kennedy — things are finally starting to look up for another member of the royal family.

That’s right, after that devastating breakup in season one, Princess Margaret seems to have found happiness — and a new love — in the new decade.

At the end of season one, Margaret (Vanessa Kirby) was forced to break things off with Peter Townsend (Ben Miles), after Parliament (and unfortunately, Elizabeth) won’t consent to the marriage due to Peter’s previous divorce. But despite promising Peter that she’d never marry and that she’d never forgive her sister, season two shows Margaret adapting to the modernity of the ’60s and even falling in love with dashing photographer, Antony Armstrong-Jones (Matthew Goode).


“I know who I am: a woman for the modern age. Free to live, to love, and free to break away,” Margaret says during the trailer. And it certainly looks like she’s following through on that promise. The trailer depicts Antony taking photos of Margaret, the couple riding through London on a moped, and overall, being be human equivalent of the fire and heart eyes emojis.

Fans of the royal family know that Margaret goes on to marry Antony in 1960 and have two children with him before divorcing in 1978 so it looks as though Netflix is going take us through their love affair before giving us another royal wedding.

Watch Margaret attain the happiness she very much deserves when The Crown returns for season two on December 8th.

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