The Avengers displayed so much brotherly love wishing Robert Downey Jr. a happy birthday
April 4th will go down as one of the most epic days in history. Why?! Because it’s the date that Robert Downey Jr. was gifted to this world. And we aren’t the only grateful ones. His Avengers co-stars took time out of their busy schedules to wish him a happy day of birth on Twitter and it was pretty freaking adorable.
Robert Downey Jr. is probably best known at this point for his role as Tony Stark aka Iron Man aka head of the franchise that launched a million Marvel films and continues to leave us wanting more. Since the crew on The Avengers so clearly love each other, they took the time to wish RDJ a Happy Birthday very publicly on Twitter.
First up is Captain America, aka Chris Evans — who was last seen fighting Iron Man in Captain America: Civil War. But clearly, there’s no bad blood with these guys. Also, would like to know what Chris Evans searched to find this gif!!
Happy birthday to the legendary @RobertDowneyJr. Mentor. Life-saver. Friend. Hope your birthday is like a giant kiss on the lips!
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) April 4, 2017
Next up is yet another Chris…Hemsworth that is. Turns out Thor isn’t as aloof as he seems. He remembers birthdays!
Happy birthday @RobertDowneyJr you haven't aged a day since this picture
— Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) April 5, 2017
RDJ made sure to thank each Chris for their B-Day wishes. Except, maybe he shouldn’t have made them public. Much easier if you just text them, Robert! Awkward.
And where does “Science Bro” and buddy Mark Ruffalo fall in the list then? He also took the time to tweet an adorable pic and even use #sciencebros4ever which is basically code for “I love you”.
Happy birthday @robertdowneyjr! A picture is worth a thousand words. #sciencebros4ever
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) April 4, 2017
Happy, happy birthday RDJ. Can’t wait to see how this bromance between Chris, Chris, Mark, and Robert develops over the next year!