The Art of Seduction

Do you ever long for a simpler time when old-fashioned courting and manners still existed? Victoria Floethe, founder of The Desire Project, digs through her favorite book, The Technique of a Love Affair by Doris Langley Moore, which is all about how to get a man to fall in love with you…in 1928! It’s back in print and a bit outdated, but Victoria swears by its timeless code of seduction and dating etiquette tips. In summary? Get in the game, date a lot of dudes and always, always trade up. Read on for her modern take on the art of seduction!

Guile 1928: “Any woman with a sound working knowledge of all of the wiles of captivation will be able to attract and hold a man’s love.”

Modern translation: Don’t expect love just to happen to you. Get in the game!

Practice 1928: “The growth of deeper feeling will depend on your qualities and skill, attained by practice alone.”

Modern translation: Date a lot of dudes.

The Craft of the Pursuit 1928: “If you can show that one man has found you worthy of pursuit, you can very easily awake the interest of another.”

Modern translation: Don’t fall for the first man you meet. Trade up!

Types of Men to Avoid 1928: “Men whose prestige is so much greater than your own that you cannot hope to be at ease with them…men with whom, for one cause or another, you would always have to make the first advances to keep your love affair alive.”

Modern translation: Unattainable men and also gay guys. Totally oblivious men and stoners. Busy men who can’t get off their iPhones. Douchebags.

The One 1928: “Stagnant love is like stagnant water.”

Modern translation: Keep him on his toes and slightly insecure about you.

Prestige 1928: “Never remonstrate with a man whose desire is flagging. Cease to see him, cease to communicate with him, and if it is feasible, let a rumor or two be conveyed to him that you are seen with others carefree and pleasure-seeking. These measures will bring him back to your side if he has feeling for you, and if he has not, you are acquitted with dignity.”

Modern translation: Make him jealous by keeping busy. Don’t always be around.

Love Letters 1928: “Be careful how you write ardent love letters, even to a man from whom you receive them. Unless your letters are works of art, they may one day make you look ridiculous.”

Modern translation: Take it easy on the texting. When you send a message, make it easy breezy; not sappy.

Fashion 1928: “The vast majority of men, however good their natural taste, may know nothing more of a woman’s dress than it is flimsy and expensive, and the less it resembles their own, the more they like it. If you are dressed in the same style as most other women, but somewhat more sumptuously, he will think you smart and be proud of you. Originality and distinction merely renders him uncomfortable.”

Modern translation: Guys don’t care about your Jason Wu dress.

Flattery 1928: “No one is immune to a compliment. When he is with you, let him feel strong, courageous, generous and he will behave by a prince. If you show him you expect him to be a cad, then a cad he will be. Men will give you whatever you seem to ask of them. Ask much.”

Modern translation: Don’t act like a bitch and he won’t be a dick.

Marriage 1928: “Men will marry the sort of women they like to be seen about with. In fact, wanting to marry is often a synonym for wanting to be seen about with.”

Modern translation: Brand yourself marriage material by being fun to be with.

Being Good at Love Takes Practice 1928: “In conclusion, true lovers have undergone long processes of disappointment, disillusion, pursuit, rebuff, abandon, constraint, caprice. One who understand the architecture of the love affair can build a superior structure which houses love itself.”

Modern translation: Sometimes a broken heart is the best thing that can happen to you.

Watch more videos with Victoria Floethe on Look TV.

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