The Academy: Game On

This is the first book review I have ever written. Something you should know about me is that I love reading. When I was 3 years old, my Mom would read the Olivia books to me every night, to the point where I memorized every page and would “read” it back to her.  I mean, I love getting lost in a good book. Recently I was lucky enough to receive a copy of The Academy: Game On by Monica Seles and I liked it. I think you might too… that is, if you like books like the Gossip Girl series – books that dig deep into high school life where mostly rich people go (and usually one poor person). Because what is a rich person’s school without the one kid from the wrong side of the tracks?

The Academy is a prestigious boarding school that is attended primarily by athletes. It’s super competitive. And Maya, our main character, is a tennis player who vies for a scholarship so she can attend; her family doesn’t have money. Once she does get accepted, she realizes the drama hasn’t even started. Yes, I said it. Drama. The Academy is full of drama, And boys. And sports. And on some level, what the power of money does to the people in the school. It’s got it all, I’m telling you.

There is a certain realism to the tennis aspect of The Academy, and for good reason. Monica Seles, the author, was the #1 seeded tennis player when she was 17. If you don’t like gossipy books, this is not for you. I’m in middle school, and while I really like the adventure/dystopian series, I like the breeziness of an easy read like The Academy: Game On. And you might too!