This is the #1 recipe people googled this past year (it’s pretty surprising, tbh)

Cookbooks used to be the first place we ran to when we wanted to bring out our inner chef. These days, though, we google it. When we want an easy lasagna recipe or want to know the difference between baking soda and baking powder, we consult with Google. Most importantly, when we need a recipe, stat, we just jump online. And if you’ve ever wondered what recipe trended the most on Google this year, look no further, because we’ve got the answer: green bean casserole.

Green bean casserole is one of those classic American Midwestern dishes, and it can be found at pretty much any Thanksgiving table. Lucy Long, a folklorist and research associate at Bowling Green State University told NPR that the green bean casserole is part of the Midwest’s “culinary universe.” It’s been around for more than 60 years and it’s more popular than ever.


The traditional way of making a green bean casserole consists of a lot of canned stuff, including canned cream of mushroom and canned green beans. You can find a lot of recipes out there, though, that teach you how to make this lovely dish from scratch. Take Smitten Kitchen’s green bean casserole, for example. It’s made with a whole lot of fresh ingredients, as well as homemade crispy onions.


For a recipe that’s been searched a hell of a lot in 2016, though, not everyone likes a green bean casserole. Long tells NPR that a lot of people aren’t fond of this Midwest staple (and you can probably name someone in your own life who despises it), even though it shows up at pretty much everyone’s table during the holidays. If you’ve never made one before, maybe you can find some inspiration to whip one together before the year is over.

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