Tess Holliday shares baby bump pic, takes down body shamers in the greatest way

Plus-size model and body positive activist Tess Holliday has another important message to the world, and this time it has to do with her second pregnancy. In her latest Instagram post — a selfie in which she’s positively glowing — she addresses some of the horrendous things that have recently been said to her about her.
She’s 32 weeks pregnant with her second child, and she writes that it “has been a beautiful process & at times, frustrating.” People have been so cruel as to say, “you don’t look pregnant,” “you must be have quadruplets,” “you are putting your baby at risk.” Tess goes on to say these are just examples of “a slew of other uneducated statements that are very far from my reality.”
It’s clear that these trolls are attempting to disguise their ignorance and hatred as “concern” for her health and her baby. But Tess is no dummy and she won’t take this lying down.
She dropped some hard truth and reminds everyone that we’re so used to seeing celebrities of a certain size in the press who “look glamorous, toned & are eager to talk about how they are going to get the baby weight off. While I’ve done my best to look as put together as possible, that’s not real life, & it’s not for most women.” Preach!
“I’m not the first plus-size woman in the public eye to have a baby and share it with the world, and I certainly won’t be the last,” Tess wrote. “However, I’m part of a small minority that’s telling you it’s okay to not have a perfect baby bump, or not show at all, to be plus-size and have a healthy child, and most importantly to find a care provider that doesn’t shame you about your size.”
This is an important message for women and mothers everywhere, no matter their size. Because as much as we love to see expecting mothers in the media — think new mom Chrissy Teigen and Blake Lively — we’re used to only seeing one kind of pregnant body. And when we don’t understand that these women don’t necessarily represent all pregnant body types, we pave the way for harmful body shaming.
She leaves her followers with one last piece of advice: “It’s also okay to tell someone to fuck off when they give you unsolicited advice about what’s ‘best’ for you and your baby.” We hear you Tess, and we can’t wait to see that gorgeous baby of yours.