In a twist of awesome, this street artist just painted the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as the Renaissance painters they were named after

For some of us, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, were our first art history lesson. We watched their animated hijinks with our noses, like, an inch away from the TV screen, and later learned these pizza-loving martial-arts experts were all cheekily named for Renaissance masters.

Now, it all comes full circle, as New Zealand artist Owen Dippie, a fan of both the Ninja Turtles AND their Renaissance namesakes, has painted an incredible mural along the railroad tracks in Brooklyn giving those famous painters the famous ninja masks of their cartoon turtle counterparts.

So why the mashup? As Dippie explains, “I am a child of popular culture and am inspired by my heroes,” said Owen. “By involving them in my art I pay my utmost respect to them in the best way I know how.”

Check out the bodacious, gnarly, totally tubular mural  below!

For more of Dippie’s gorgeous work, check out his website here.


The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are my spirit animals

Get ready to fall in love with a pug puppy version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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