Teen roundtable: Do you care about the Apple Watch?

Yesterday, Apple announced the Apple Watch, which it seems to think will change the way we use technology, but we have to admit, we don’t entirely get it. We know that wearable tech is the future. The Apple Watch isn’t even the first player to the game, Pebble and Google Glass have already been creeping into the cultural conscious. We wondered though, would our surrogate sisters in the Teen section understand the new trend in a way we just don’t? Is wearable tech a (very, very) young person’s game?

The answer, it seems, is no. We reached out to some of our wonderful, tech-savvy Teen Gigglers to find out how they really feel about the Apple Watch launch and, for the most part, they feel just as meh as the rest of us.


“I personally don’t care about the Apple Watch because A) it’s WAY too expensive, B) I don’t wear watches, C) my phone can do everything the Apple Watch can do.” – Kim Webb, 18.

Only tech junkies will care. 

“Well, I don’t really care much about the watch. I’m not a huge Apple fan, actually. I’m more of a Windows/Android girl. I think it’s cool, but those gadgets are a bit pointless. I mean everyone already has smartphones that do just about everything. I think this gadget is more for the tech junkies who just like to have the newest and ‘coolest’ things. It’s kind of like some girls with shoes and makeup. Plus, these types of gadgets are way expensive, and we probably won’t have that much of a use for them (since our phones/tablets already do most of that stuff).” – Avianne Robinson, 16.

It seems great — but maybe not necessary. 

“I’m a bit biased because my dad is the Director of Technology at the school he works at. He’s been constantly saying that the Apple Watch is going to be great. I think so too, except for the fact that it is so similar to the iPhone. I feel like having both an iPhone and an Apple Watch would be a bit silly since they seem to execute virtually the same tasks. However, I like the little gadgets that the Apple Watch will do like for example, sending you your friend’s heartbeat or how that the watch can keep track of your fitness. Apple has done a good job of making it geek yet chic, there’s a look for everyone.” – Emma Taylor, 16.

Why does everything need apps now? 

“I really don’t see the point of the Apple Watch. It just seems like an activity tracker with social media notifications, and who wants their notifications coming up on their wrist? It’s not like phones are too difficult to carry around, so I don’t understand why the apple watch is worth splashing out on.  I’m not a total tech fanatic, but I do usually take an interest in what’s new, but the Apple Watch is something I couldn’t care less about. Why does everything need to have apps now?” – Ella Minker, 18.

It sounds like a good tool for fitness tracking. 

“I think the apple watch sounds pretty cool. I especially like the fitness feature that shows your daily movement and tracks your information to make fitness goals. Its reminders to achieve the goals is always helpful for people like me!” – Mackenzie Walsh, 16.

I’d rather have a vintage watch than another screen. 

“In a world experiencing a technological takeover, I personally do not care about the Apple Watch. Something as simple as reading the time does not need to be complicated into having multiple screens to swipe through. I’m not saying it’s not clever; it truly is an attentive innovation. However, there is no need to read your email on a miniature screen, when your phone, a much more suitable option, is sitting in your pocket. I would much rather a vintage watch on my wrist, something that will not track my every movement, aesthetically pleasing and not another screen that I continuously stare at.” – Clare O’Mahoney, 16.

(Image via here.)