Taylor Swift is *literally* playing snake in her “End Game” video, and the internet can’t even
While there are plenty of talented pop stars out there, one woman stands out for more than just her talent. Yes, this particular singer is talented, but she’s also a mastermind of hidden clues and coy marketing techniques. So naturally fans have been poring over all the details of her latest music video, and this one little Easter egg is honestly brilliant. Yes, Taylor Swift is literally playing snake in her “End Game” video, and the internet can’t even. Like, all chill has been lost.
Okay, so Swift has been relatively silent on social media for a while, since December 16th to be exact. So when she suddenly decided to post a teaser trailer for her new music video Thursday morning, Swifties went into collective overdrive preparing to overanalyze the heck out of Swift’s next masterpiece. Honestly, even the seconds-long trailer was picked apart by fans across the world in a quest to figure out what Swift was saying, and what she wasn’t saying.
Obviously, when Swift dropped the actual music video, the over-analyzing started up again, and with good reason. While Swift’s “End Game” music video might have just seemed like her “22” music video all grown up (seriously, Taylor Alison Swift has discovered alcohol, and it’s amazing), there are actually a lot of subtle clues and hidden meanings throughout.
But perhaps one of the funniest little messages happens for only a few seconds while Swift sits on top of a bar, looking at a device in her hand. Now, this is the exact image that she shared on her Instagram to announce that the video was out, and at first glance it just looks like Swift is on her phone.
But in the video, the camera pans over Swift’s shoulder so that you can see what she’s doing. And what is she doing? Playing the iconic ’90s computer game Snake, of course. false
Yeah, she did that.
Just got this reference 🐍 🐍🐍🐍 #endgamemusicvideo pic.twitter.com/lzRMIKlcjn
— Autumn (@AutumnSimone31) January 12, 2018
Now, in case you aren’t catching on to how or why this matters, perhaps you need a little refresher. Back in 2016, Swift got into another feud with Kanye West over his calling her a “b*tch” in his song “Famous.” But it wasn’t that simple. West’s wife, Kim Kardashain, decided to get involved, and released a recording of Swift on the phone with West seemingly approving the lyrics, “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex.” (There was never any evidence that Swift heard or approved of the line, “I made that b*tch famous.”)
But the damage had been done, and fans of West and Kardashian began flooding Swift’s social media accounts with the snake emoji and calling her names.
Wait it's legit National Snake Day?!?!?They have holidays for everybody, I mean everything these days! 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) July 17, 2016
But with her release of Reputation, Swift has rightfully reclaimed the snake imagery and inserted it into just about everything she does, from accessories to clothing choices, and now, to a game.
taylor swift playing 'snake' while sipping on a drink being held by someone is what I live for pic.twitter.com/o1NE8GQ7bi
— aria | seokjinnie (@stylerendipitay) January 12, 2018
Swift knows what she’s doing, and the “End Game” music video makes that very clear. Right down to the last snake earring.