Taylor Swift opened up about what it felt like to be groped by a stranger, and this is not okay people

Receiving unwanted sexual advances should never, ever be tolerated, and Taylor Swift has opened up about being groped by a DJ at a pre-concert meet-and-greet in 2013. Similar incidences  have been cropping up lately, with Rose McGowan offering inspiring words about a sexual assault and Gabrielle Union speaking about sexual assault and Nate Parker — and the more people who speak out, the better able we are to make change.

The incident with Swift is particularly unsettling, because although she was touched inappropriately by a DJ, he later claimed her accusations against him were false and sued Swift for getting fired from his job. Being the #BOSS that she is, Swift is fighting back and countersuing him.  According to Billboard, Swift described her assault at the hands of DJ David Mueller as follows,

"Right as the moment came for us to pose for the photo, he took his hand and put it up my dress and grabbed onto my ass cheek and no matter how much I scooted over it was still there. It was completely intentional, I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life."

As you can imagine, this left Swift violated and confused. WTF just happened?!

"I remember being frantic, distressed, feeling violated in a way I had never experienced before. A meet-and-greet is supposed to be a situation where you’re thanking people for coming, you’re supposed to be welcoming people into your home, which is the arena for that day, and for someone to violate that hospitality in that way, I was completely stunned."


We are rooting for Swift to win this case, and she says she plans to donate the proceeds to “charitable organizations dedicated to protecting women from similar acts of sexual assault and personal disregard.” 

This is obviously a horrible thing that never should have happened, but it’s amazing to see Swift already thinking about how help other victims. Way to turn something so negative into something that may help others.

H/T: Cosmopolitan

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