Taylor Swift has been revealed as the sole songwriter behind this new country song

If our fellow Taylor Swift fans out there are currently grooving to country group Little Big Town’s new croony single “Better Man,” there’s a reason for that. At first Little Big Town just cited the writer of the love-scorned lyrics as “a young girl in Nashville who wrote it by herself,” which is technically true, but when that “young girl” is 10-time Grammy Award winning Taylor Freakin’ Swift, we deserve to know. We pride ourselves in keeping actively abreast on what Miss Swift is up to at all times, from ghostwriting lost-love songs featuring her classically poignant and powerful lyrics, to borrowing Ryan Reynold’s actual, real-life Deadpool costume for Halloween 2016.


The single, entitled “Better Man,” tells the story of a woman who expected better from her ex-lover as she reflects upon their past together.

“I know I’m probably better off on my own /

Than loving a man who didn’t know what he had when he had it /

And I see the permanent damage you did to me /

Never again, I just wish I could forget when it was magic.”


Relatable yet totally devastating at times, it’s the emotion we’ve totally come to associate with Taylor Swift’s writing. And yet, the band who recorded the single left out the author’s name very much on purpose. “We didn’t want you to have any subtext there other than to hear the song,” said group member Karen Fairchild.

Now that the news has broken and we have learned of Taylor being behind it all, both parties can sit back enjoy as their song inevitably climbs the charts. Fairchild is still singing Swift’s praises after it’s all said and done: “She said, ‘You know what, that’s the greatest honor as a songwriter you could ever give me – that you don’t want anyone to know that I wrote this.” Pretty humble for just a young girl from Nashville.

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