Here are some heart-bursting pics of Taylor Swift meeting her godson for the first time

Can Taylor Swift be my godmother? Because she looks like she’s pretty awesome at it. Yesterday, the Bad Blood singer (and singer of a billion other songs we love) posted pictures of her first ever godson Leo Thames, the son of her BFF Jaime King. Born on July 16th, this tiny little cutie achieved something in 13 days that some of us only dream of: Appearing on Tay’s Insta. Madame Swift posted an adorable photo of her godson, captioning it with a lyric from one of her most touching songs “Never Grow Up”:

There was also this beautiful moment to behold:

King spoke to Elle earlier this year about why Swift was the obvious godmother obvious choice for her second baby (godmother to baby #1 is Jessica Alba, no bigs):

That story is almost as cute as little Leo, who is going to grow up getting some of the most awesome presents and baked goods in the whole world.

Here’s what the inside of Taylor Swift’s apartment looks like (it’s as beautiful as you dreamed)

What it takes to be the world’s coolest godmother

(Image via Instagram)

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