So, the villain in “Blade Runner 2049” is based on Taylor Swift

Talk about bad blood. Sylvia Hoes, who plays a villain named Luv in Blade Runner 2049,  just revealed that Taylor Swift inspired her performance. Honestly, based on one of Swift’s latest songs, that kind of makes sense, too.

In an interview with Bustle, Hoeks said that she looked to celebrities who have “a certain control in their life” for inspiration for her performance. Apparently, Swift was the perfect model for Blade Runner 2049‘s sci-fi villain, though you’d never tell just by looking at the character, who has dark brown hair and bangs. To be fair, Hoeks also named Selena Gomez as inspiration for the role.

"I looked at big celebrities, big singers, who are younger girls, like Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez," Hoes said. "[These people] who have big platforms and have to have certain control in their life, because every little second of their day is probably somebody making a picture of them or putting them in the media. So their whole life kind of happens virtually."

But her choice of Taylor Swift seems to be resonating with people more.

Maybe it’s because the singer kind of paints that picture of herself in her “Look What You Made Me Do” video.

In fact, Swift might have been channelling Blade Runner vibes at certain points of her thoroughly-debated music video.

Really, Swift should be flattered by the comparison, because Luv is the driving force behind much of 2049‘s excitement — and female empowerment. As Hoeks told Bustle, “There’s Robin Wright, there’s my character… there are a lot of strong women in the film.”

Anyone that watched Blade Runner 2049 knows that Hoeks nailed her character. If she was hoping to portray someone who carefully manipulates their appearance and public persona, then she accomplished her goals. However, Taylor Swift’s social media isn’t always all snakes and chokers.

Probably what Hoeks was channeling in her villain-inspiration (or villainspiration, if you will), could be said for every celebrity including… Beyonce.

Is it sacrilegious to suggest that Beyonce could serve as inspiration for a bad-ass movie villain?

It’s only a testament to her — and Swift’s — sheer power and influence in this world! Please do not smite us, oh holy Bey. Honestly though, Luv is awesome, so really, comparing anyone to her is a compliment, trust us.

We are so here for any sic-fi villain who channels a pop star. Dare we say, we L-U-V them.

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