Taylor Swift continues to be the best of all besties — this surprise party for her BFF proves it

Never in my whole life have I regretted how I spent my 2005, but I see now that I played it all so very wrong. The correct path obviously would have been to high tail it to Nashville, where pre-famous Taylor Swift was starting at a new high school, and become best friends with her then (I mean, that’s obviously still the goal, but the timing won’t be as great now). And Taylor just proved that her high school friendships go the distance, by surprising her best friend Abigail with a Dashboard Confessional performance at the birthday party she threw for her.

Abigail may not be starring in a John Green movie or going on world tours like some of Taylor’s other famous buds, but she’s famous in her own right. One of Taylor’s very first singles, Fifteen, highlights her enduring relationship with the adorable redhead, and all of the pitfalls and triumphs of their early high school years together. They’ve kept in touch over the years and continued to celebrate milestones together, including Abigail’s glamorous 25th birthday party, which they threw in Nashville over the weekend.

It already looked like the most amazing shindig on the planet (SO MUCH PINK AND GLAM, I basically want to live inside of that party forever), but Abigail had no idea what surprise Taylor had in store for her. Abigail has been a long-time, diehard Dashboard Confessional fan, and so Taylor surprised her by inviting none other than Chris Carrabba himself, the band’s front man. He gave a winning performance (some of which is on Taylor’s Instagram), and there was triumphant awkward dancing and joy all around. They then marked the occasion with these awesome pictures they took in the photo booth. I dunno, guys, is it just me or do Abigail and Chris look pretty stinkin’ adorable together? I ‘ship it.

In any case, a happy 25th birthday and many happy returns to Abigail, who will certainly be floating in glittery pink bliss for the next week!

(Images from here.)

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