Taylor Lautner jumps into moving car in low-key epic Instagram video
In just a handful of life and death instances, people have revealed mankind’s potential to tap into superhuman strength. Such adrenaline rushes have helped moms muster the strength to lift cars off of pinned babies, seen people emerge unscathed from burning building and even survive freezing temperatures. Okay, this is not THAT at all, but Taylor Lautner put on a James Bond-esque show when his chance of obtaining a burrito was on the line. Taylor posted a video of himself doing an extreme stunt all in the name of Chipotle. And we get it, their carne asada is no joke.
In the video, Taylor’s buddy, Christopher Titone whips by him while on the way to get Chipotle. To catch up, Taylor busts some serious moves. Lucky for us, he breaks it all down by putting it in slo-mo.
Nothing says betrayal quite like your BFF forgetting to alert you of their Chipotle run. There are few things worse. Fortunately, Taylor managed to avoid any disaster by calling upon his superior muscular strength to ensure he didn’t miss out.
Taylor’s no stranger to pulling off insane stunts. He’s a trained martial artist and has flexed his parkour muscles for us multiple times in the Twilight series and his film Tracers.
BTW Tay, guac’s extra. (In case you’re living in a werewolf cave these days.)