How to use Target’s Drive Up program, so the store can deliver right to your car

Going on our Saturday Target run is truly the highlight of our week. The only downside is having to change out of our PJs and face the public. But what if Target ran to us? According to an April 17th Target press release, that idea has come to fruition. Target has introduced its Drive Up program to 270 Southern U.S. stores, meaning customers can stay put in their cars while the shopping is done for them.

Target’s Drive Up service has actually been a thing since last year. Minnesota’s Star Tribune reported in October of 2017 that Target tested the service at 5o stores within the Twin Cities. And before said 50 stores implemented the service, Drive Up was tested at an initial three Twin Cities stores during the summer of 2017.

Thanks to the success of the trial period, Drive Up is now available at select Target stores in Alabama, Florida, Texas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and South Carolina.

So how exactly does the magic happen? To take part in Drive Up, you must install the most recent version of the Target app. When you place an order through the app, you’ll see the option to select Drive Up as a fulfillment option.

Then in about one to two hours, Target will notify you that your order is ready for pickup. Hit the “I’m on the Way” button before you head to the store. When you arrive, park in a designated Drive Up spot, and a Target team member will be out with your order within two minutes. Brilliant.

Target hopes to broaden Drive Up to 1,000 stores across the country by the end of 2018.

Alongside Drive Up, Target is also bringing its same-day grocery delivery service to more locations across the U.S., as well as a service that allows select urban Target stores to same-day deliver items to customers in Boston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.

We’re pretty stoked to try Drive Up ASAP. Hopefully this feature will make us stick to our shopping list and avoid bringing home a new lamp, trashcan, lipstick, unnecessary snacks, and that one ceramic owl we couldn’t resist.

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