Taraji P. Henson’s high school yearbook photo is the best thing we’ve seen all day

We love throwback photos. That’s why we’re so glad that actress Taraji P. Henson shared her high school yearbook photo on Instagram. Known for Empire and Hidden Figures, she was probably recognized most back then for her incredibly cool sense of style.
Even though this photo reigns supreme, Henson’s entire Instagram account is totally worth following. She’s been sharing a bunch of behind-the-scenes photos from the set of her latest movie, Proud Mary. Really, it seems like Henson knows exactly what fans want to see.
And, this is definitely what we wanted to see. Born in 1970, she proves that she was all about that ’80s style with this incredible photo.
Like in many of her photos, Henson captioned this one with a bunch of enthusiasm.
"You couldn't tell her ISH!!! She knew she belonged in #Hollywood right here, she just didn't know how she was getting there but she DREAMED BIG AF!!!," the actress wrote.
There’s just so much we love about it. Those earrings! Those glasses! The fact that she was always so stunning! While it’s always great to see what our favorite stars looks like before they were famous, this photo proves that some people have had star power from the very start.
Of course, Henson can still pull off killer frames.
But come to think of it, we’re pretty sure Henson can pull off any look.