Taraji P. Henson is amazing at Jimmy Fallon’s “Acting Game”

Jimmy Fallon’s newest game, “The Acting Game,” always brings out the most hilarious sides of his guests. They’re given a scenario and have to pretend to answer the phone in character, and Empire‘s Taraji P. Henson was perfect.

For the first round, she was given something pretty easy. She had to play her iconic character Cookie, but as if she was an astronaut in space. When she answers the phone, she’s given the horrible news that she actually has to stay on board for six more months. As you can imagine, Cookie was not pleased.

Both Taraji and Jimmy continued to alternate roles, playing everything from a distressed best friend in a delivery room to someone who had eaten a bad burrito attempting to give Netflix recommendations.

Honestly, we’d watch Taraji and Jimmy do anything, because it’s sure to be hilarious. Maybe Jimmy could get a guest role on Empire? As long as he doesn’t eat any burritos beforehand.

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