Taraji P. Henson opened up about being a “late bloomer” in Hollywood, and why it’s been such an advantage

Sometimes it can be easy to forget that life isn’t a race, and that success comes in so many forms and at so many different ages. And sometimes the best way to remember that is to actually listen to other people’s stories.
And W Magazine featured Taraji P. Henson sharing her story — specifically about how her years of hard work have paid off.
In the interview, Henson recognizes how her success in film and television came later in life. Although she’s been working as an actor since the late-’90s, it took a long time to be noticed in the extraordinary way she is now…like say, being invited to President Obama’s final gathering when he transitioned out of office! No biggie.
"It is quite groundbreaking, isn’t it? It’s supposed to be over for me at 46, but here I am," she said. I’m a late bloomer, and I’m okay with that. Know why? Late bloomers last looong."
Henson is absolutely killing it these days in Empire, and of course in Hidden Figures. And we couldn’t be happier for her, because she’s incredibly supportive of women and utterly deserving of her achievements.
via giphyShe also opened up about her decision to keep pursing acting even when she had a child at a relatively young age. “People thought I was crazy, but being a mom early enhanced my talent. It opened up a side of me that I didn’t know I had, that sense of duty and protection, and it kept me grounded in Hollywood. I’m still that young, vivacious girl, but I have the wisdom of a woman. Now I can go to the clubs and know my limit. I’m not throwing up…I’m not going home with some fool,” she said.
via giphyWe’re loving this perspective, because it reminds us that there is something to be learned from every single experience, and that hardships make you all the stronger.
Yep, Taraji is definitely one of our fave humans. We can’t wait to see where the rest of her career will take her!