Taraji P. Henson had to gulp down a pretty gross-looking cabbage juice cocktail with Jimmy Fallon

We are used to seeing Taraji P. Henson act like a straight-up queen. Whether she’s playing Cookie in Empire or Katherine Johnson in Hidden Figures, Henson commands the room in a manner befitting a monarch.
Which is why it was so hilarious to see Taraji P. Henson goof around like a court jester on a recent St. Patrick’s Day-themed episode of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.
On the show, Henson and Fallon played a game of “Drinko.” Drinko is really similar to the iconic The Price Is Right game, Plinko.
Only instead of dropping a disc for cash prizes, in Drinko, you drop the discs for random drinks.
The two entertainers dropped discs into plastic cups labelled with various St. Patrick’s Day-themed beverage types. You know, like “corned beef gravy,” “Shamrock Shake,” and “potato water.” Then, the player has to drink a cocktail of those drinks.
In this case, you gotta pray that your discs end up in “Shamrock Shake” and “Guinness” and not “cabbage juice” and “potato water.”
Unfortunately, the luck of the Irish was not with Taraji P. Henson when she played.
She landed on “cabbage juice” and “Jameson,” which made Jimmy Fallon laugh so hard he was quite literally on the floor. Even though Henson screamed “Ewwwww” and mimed barfing a bunch, she still downed her Jameson-and-Cabbage-Juice in one go, that’s our lady!
Fallon got a little luckier with “four-leaf clover juice” (“It’s basically wheatgrass!” Henson shouted) and “Irish breakfast tea.” Luckier, but look, not THAT much luckier.
In the final round, Fallon and Henson each dropped a disc. Whoever’s disc landed first was the winner. The loser, of course, downed the the final cocktail. Taraji won, but Jimmy’s drink was the least offensive of the game, “Shamrock Shake” and “Irish coffee.” So really, everyone won.
It was an absolute delight watching Taraji P. Henson and Jimmy Fallon cut up together. Probably our favorite line of the segment was Taraji’s “Hey Drinko, you better not be looking up my skirt-o,” as she stood at the top of the stairs.