Everything you need to know to cancel your plans with Aunt Flo.
Plus, OB-GYNs explain exactly what happens to your body when you forget to take a pill.
"It was probably the best decision I’ve made for my health,” the star tells HelloGiggles.
Hormones get a bad rap, especially during puberty. From mood swings to newfound body odor…
Getting your first period is exciting. All of sudden your body is like,”Congratulations! You’re officially…
There has been a huge increase in the number of women choosing IUDs as their…
Fall is officially here, and that means one thing: Curling up with a good book…
America seems to have a massive problem with women making decisions about their reproductive and…
On November 7th, 2018, the Trump administration announced their plan to weaken the Affordable Care…
No matter your age, buying condoms at a store can make you feel like a…
If you’ve decided to radically shake up your life and embark on a stint of…
Nearly everyone who binge-watched all six episodes of Shrill when it premiered on Hulu on…
As any person who menstruates knows, periods are no fun—and can sometimes be downright disruptive….
Women who live in the U.S. know what a struggle it can be to get birth…
Under President Donald Trump, the federal government repealed the Affordable Care Act’s birth control mandate, enabling…
The latest news about male birth control comes with a healthy dose of side eye: Scientists…
So long, birth control pills.
If you’ve ever taken birth control pills, you probably know that they can do more…
Concerns that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh could vote to overturn Roe v. Wade have…
While contraception may not be as widely, affordably, and easily available as it should be,…
The bombshell program will feature tell-all exclusives.
His ex-butler says there'll be a "massive change."
Women from all walks of life share their advice.
“Where’s Megan??” asked Instagram followers.
Here's how it changed my body.
An anonymous security guard says he was “too drunk.”