Josh Lucas spoke out about a Sweet Home Alabama sequel, and we are freaking out

Update, August 2nd, 9:30 a.m. EDT: Get excited, because talks of a Sweet Home Alabama sequel are heating up again. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, star Josh Lucas said that though there’s no official plan to make a sequel, there has been movement on heading back to Alabama. According to Lucas, director Andy Tennant “has a script and a development he’s done.” So what’s the one thing that could bring this to fruition? The Southern girl herself, Reese Witherspoon.

“I’m up for it. I know Reese’s said she is as well,” Lucas told ET. “The director is absolutely up for it. I spoke to him about it a couple of times recently. So look, I throw it out to you, Reese.”

“I think the person who’s the one to put it together is Reese, so I’m hoping,” Lucas added. “Who knows? She’s got a lot of irons in the fire to say the least. Hopefully this is one of them.”

We hope so, too, Josh.

The actor also explained why he thinks a sequel would still work, and why we all love the original so gosh darn much.

“I think the thing about the story, it’s one of those [in which] they’re eternally in love,” Lucas told ET. “So, even if they’re going through a rough time, whatever it is, they’re eternally in love. That’s kind of the beauty in that magical film.”

Now that we know for a fact that Elle Woods is 100% returning to the courtroom, Reese Witherspoon might also be going back to Alabama, too. That’s right: the actress, alongside her Sweet Home Alabama co-star Josh Lucas, has expressed interest in making a second installment of the iconic rom-com. Because, as they say, you can take the girl out of the South, but you can’t take the South out of the girl.

At an Access Live appearance on July 17th, 2018, the Yellowstone actor talked about how he reached out to Witherspoon to put the Sweet Home Alabama sequel in motion. He said he would love to give it another go and see where childhood sweethearts Jake and Melanie are now.

"I’ve even reached out to Reese, and I know Reese has said as well—it’s an iconic film," he explained. "I would love [a sequel] because I would love to see where these characters ended up or where they are at this point in their lives."

This is not the first time the idea of a sequel has come up. In a Facebook Live Q&A session back in 2016, Witherspoon mentioned she’s open to revisiting the 2002 film. “If Disney wants to call me, I would happily make a Sweet Home Alabama 2!” she said.

To prove that he’s really serious about making it a reality, Lucas even shared some ideas on what the plot could be.

"I kind of love the idea that they have actually divorced and been divorced for a while and he wants her back, he shared. “Kind of to realize what he’s lost again and that the kids even, that their lives have separated in some ways, and I think that’s sort of the magic of that story is that there’s an eternal love there...That bond that they have. Even when they’re apart, there’s something connected about the two of them. And that they’ve had it since they were little kids."

He does understand that squeezing in a sequel right now would be tricky given Witherspoon’s busy schedule that includes producing and acting in Big Little Lies Season 2 and working on Legally Blonde 3.

But you know what? It’s fine. We’re not a stranger to waiting for literal decades for sequels to come. We’re sure we can handle waiting just a little bit more.

Originally published July 17th, 2018.

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