The Swedish government posed for a poignant all-woman portrait for some very badass reasons

Speaking of #fierce women, the Swedish government made quite the splash with this poignant, on-the-nose photograph. In just one photo, the Swedish government pushed back against Trump.

On Friday, Swedish Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lövin posted a photograph of her signing an incredibly progressive climate change law surrounded by an all-female staff. The law promises zero net greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden by 2045. Furthermore, it includes a 70% reduction of the transport sector’s emissions by 2030. Consequently, Sweden will have to reduce its emissions by 85%.

Many people are calling this photo a dig at Trump.

And not without reason. After all, the photograph looks remarkably similar to an infamous picture of Trump. In the Trump photo, he signs an executive order to restrict access to abortion while surrounded by five male advisers. Eeesh.

This photograph of Swedish Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lövin is everything.

When questioned about the photograph, Lövin’s spokesperson told BuzzFeed News:

“You can interpret it as you want. It’s more that Sweden is a feminist government and this is a very important law that we just decided on.

Additionally, the Swedish government has been outspoken about feminism. So much so that their website even has a page calling themselves “the first feminist government in the world.”

Compare and Contrast

These pictures say more than we ever could.

While Donald Trump has been criticized (rightly so) for the low level of female representation in his cabinet, Sweden has 12 female ministers and 12 male ministers. Now that’s more like it.

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