Sweden is so good at recycling, they’re going to start importing trash from other countries

You may not know this, but Sweden is really, really good at recycling. In fact, they’ve gotten so adept at helping out the environment, they’ve started taking their neighbor’s trash.
That’s right: The Scandinavian country will soon start importing trash from other countries to recycle it in theirs.
Sweden enacted a national recycling policy that will make any nature lover smile from ear to ear. The policy basically allows for the energy created from trash disposal to be put back into Sweden’s national heating network.
In short, trash energy heats Swedish homes all year around.
Isn’t that amazing? The results have been so spectacular that Sweden is actually running out of trash to recycle.
Most people want to help change the world for the better. And easy solutions are all around us. For example: Did you know there was an environmentally-friendly way to recycle Christmas trees? Well, now you do. But at the end of the day it’s what people do with the information they get that’s really important. The people of Sweden sure know what to do with their information, and their trash, for that matter.
Here in the Unites States, fifty-five percent of trash gets placed in landfills, according to the EPA.
Considering just how much trash we have, maybe it’s time to put it to some good use! We know of several states that would love some added heat in the cold winter months.
Some people might argue that Sweden isn’t actually truly recycling their trash. It’s ~technically~ true — they’re burning their trash and converting it into heat energy. And hopefully innovations like this could inspire the United States to improve our own recycling game. After all, we all want to live in a better, cleaner, and safer world.