Every Single Popsicle You Need To Try This Summer

Your inner-child has a request: popsicles, please. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s really hot out and the best way to cool down is with something icy on a stick. How did we ever forget that? Now before you run to the store, consider the fact that popsicles are just about the easiest and most fun thing to make in the summer. We scoured the Internet for inspirational recipes and found some really creative takes on an old classic. From the boozy, to the fruity, to the glistening works of art, here’s a round-up of dreamy DIY popsicles, courtesy of the blogosphere:

The Best Creamy Pop: The Nutella Popsicle 

This chocolate hazelnut frozen wonder is a fun, homemade alternative to the fudgsicle. Check out the recipe at Tammilee Tips!

Other frozen & fudgy confections: Rocky Road Pudding Pops and Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough-sicles

The Best Caffeinated Pop: Pumpkin Spice Latte (OMG) Pops 

As summer turns into fall Labor Day weekend, I can’t think of a better way to welcome pumpkin season — a tad early — than Pumpkin Spice Latte popsicles! Check out the recipe at Purple House Cafe!

Other frozen & caffeinated popsicles: Frozen Iced Coffee and Coke Floats on a Stick

The Best Boozy Pop: Strawberry Sangria-sicles  

What’s better than a cold summer cocktail? A frozen cocktail. And what’s better than a frozen cocktail? A frozen cocktail on a stick. A refreshing strawberry sangria pop sounds like the perfect nightcap. Check out the recipe at Better Homes and Gardens!

Other cold ones to try: Raspberry Champagne Popsicles and Mojito Ice Pops

The Best Healthy Pop: Avocado Dark Choco Pop   

There is no wrong way to make a fruit popsicle. It can be as simple as freezing fruit in coconut water.  But, I found one healthy pop particularly intriguing: The Creamy Chocolate Avocado. Check out the recipe at The Little Epicurean.

Other healthy pops: Blueberry Breakfast Parfait Pops (with Greek yogurt) and Watermelon Whole Fruit Popsicles

The Best Decorative Pop: Cake Popsicles   

From interesting shapes to quirky add-ins, there are a lot of creative popsicle recipes out there. The combination of cake and ice is a smooth summer treat. Check out the recipe at The Baking Robot.

Other fun popsicles: Gummy Bear and Jewel Pops (perfect for a bachelorette bash)

The Best Pup Pop: Greek Yogurt Peanut Pupsicle

Owners can make pupsicles as treats for the spoiled diva dog or create warm weather activities for the frisky terrier. Check out this dog-friendly recipe at The Old Country Blog (my blog). 

Other pupsicles: Watermelon Pops for human and dog and Activity Ice

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